View Click Buy

Relevant searches, relevant ads, relevant products.




increase in branded traffic comparing year 1 to year 2


higher ROAS comparing year 2 to year 1


Average ROAS in year 1


Average ROAS in year 2


higher revenue comparing year 2 to year 1

How we did it


View Click Buy is focused on the plus-size apparel market in Denmark. Their unique product inventory has formed our very simple strategy from day one: To chase maximum exposure for all relevant search terms.

It sounds simple, and it is, but further work with creating a layered approach to plus size keywords, brand keywords, and generic keywords has allowed us to be “forever present” in a way you’d think only the big brands could be.

Continue Growth in Year 3

We have continued the growth after three years of collaboration.

Even though we hit a plateau in year two, we were able to resume the growth by implementing Facebook Ads, profit tracking, and an even closer collaboration on promotions amongst other things.

We have been working with Stephen now for some time and we have been very pleased with the results we have seen.

The team are in constant contact with Stephen and have had a very positive experience

Tom Chaplin